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Her Next Victim and Other Stories Page 4

  Jane would meet me at the front door, a smile on her face every time she saw me, as if she was greeting a long lost friend.

  "Come in, Mark,” she said, “It's good to see you. It's been a while."

  "Yes ma'am,” I countered, “bedroom carpet needs some cleaning?"

  "Oh yes, you know how dirty it can get."

  "Yes ma'am."

  Jane had the cleanest bedroom carpet I had ever seen, but she insisted that I go over it meticulous and slow. I began setting up my equipment in her room as she sat on the bed and watched me.

  "The mister out at sea again?” I asked.

  "Yes, damn Navy keeps him gone more than he's at home."

  I just nodded and began spraying the pre-treatment on the rug. She laid back on the bed with a smile on her face.

  "Mark, you don't mind if I entertain myself while you're working, do you?” she asked.

  "No ma'am, not at all."

  I looked up to see her taking off her clothes and lying back naked on the bed. The look on my face must have given me away.

  "This doesn't bother you, does it, Mark?” she asked innocently.

  "Uh, oh, no ma'am,” I stuttered, “you do whatever makes you comfortable."

  She smiled again and reached into her nightstand for a vibrating dildo, then opened her legs, closed her eyes, and began rubbing it against her pussy.

  "Mmm ... this feels good,” she muttered.

  It was hard to keep my mind on business as Jane pleasured herself with her imaginary lover. Her body writhed and squirmed in ecstasy. She was an older woman, but her body was still firm in all the right places. She had told me once that she had been a waitress at the CPO club at the Navy base in her younger days, but she would sometimes take the gentlemen in the back room and give them a lap dance. Dancing is what kept her legs strong and firm. It was also how she met her husband.

  As I moved the spiral cleaner over the rug, I glanced up to see Jane put the plastic penis inside her pink folds. This caused her to moan uncontrollably and caused a rise in my jeans. Her free hand moved to her breasts, rolling and kneading them as if she were preparing bread, and her nipples became hard and rigid under her fingers.

  It never mattered how long it took me to clean the carpet ... Jane would put off her orgasm until I had turned off the machine and stood helplessly at the foot of the bed, waiting to be paid. She screamed as the climax took over and I shoved my hands in my pockets to keep from grabbing my cock. It was a vulnerable feeling and I could hardly wait to get to my van so that I could have my own orgasm.

  Jane, still naked, smiling, and panting slightly, would give me my money, give me a kiss on the cheek, and tell me to take care until she needed her carpet cleaned again. I secretly hoped that it wouldn't be long before I would get her call.

  * * * *

  The house on Palmetto Drive was a bit different. The first time I arrived at the brick ranch-style, I could hear the couple arguing from outside the front door. I hesitated to ring the bell, but I didn't want them to think that I was late. A red-faced man opened the door.

  "What?!” he yelled.

  "I ... uh ... I'm Mark from A-1 Carpet Cleaners,” I stumbled, “I have a 9:00 appointment here."

  "Oh, yeah, I forgot,” he said, immediately becoming calmer, “come on in."

  "Are you sure?” I quivered, peering in.

  He walked ahead, leaving me in the foyer, so I came in and closed the door behind me. His wife stood quietly in the kitchen, embarrassed, I assumed, by the fact that I heard them arguing. I tried to set her mind at ease.

  "You know, my parents have a brick home similar to this one. It's so well insulated, you can't hear a thing through the walls."

  One corner of her mouth turned up, but she didn't look convinced.

  "Mike!” yelled the husband, “come in here."

  I followed the voice to find him kneeling over a red stain.

  "Can you get this wine stain out?” he asked.

  "Yes sir,” I replied, “I'll do my best. Oh, and it's Mark."

  He stood and waved his hand nonchalantly.

  "Whatever. What about this pet stain?"

  "Yes sir. Our treatment specializes in pet stains."

  "Good,” he growled, “my wife's piece-of-shit dog tries to use the carpet as his own personal toilet."

  I looked over as she scooped up her puppy and tried to comfort it. The little tike didn't look any older than a few months and I knew from experience that it took some puppies a little longer to become house broken.

  "Not a problem, sir."

  "Good,” he repeated, then turned his attention to his wife and took her arm, “Come along, my dear. We have some unfinished business to take care of and the boy has work to do."

  He led her out of the room and I stared after him. Boy? Who was he calling a boy? I was in my late 20's.

  As I set up my equipment and began spraying on the pre-treatment, I could hear them arguing again.

  "Look at this bill!” he yelled, “Why the hell do you have to spend so much on clothes?"

  "But you like for me to look good, honey,” she countered.

  "Look good, yes, but not spend a fortune doing it!"

  From my position in the dining room, I could look right into their bedroom. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, with her standing beside him, her hands wringing in anticipation.

  "I've had it with your over-spending, young lady,” he scolded, “and if you are going to act like a naughty little girl, you're going to be treated like one."

  Without announcement, he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her over his lap. She began kicking and screaming, but his arm across her back held her tightly in place.

  "No! Please! I won't do it anymore!” she screeched.

  "No, you certainly won't after I get finished."

  He laid several hard smacks on her skirt covered bottom, then lifted the material out of the way and began spanking the center of her black panties.

  "Robert! Ow! Please!” she begged, “Not while the carpet cleaner is here!"

  "I don't care who's here,” he told her. “You need to be taught a lesson."

  I could see the skin to the sides of her panties getting pink and she kicked like a ten-year-old that had just gotten caught for smoking.

  "This needs to be a bare bottom spanking,” he said out loud, and with that, jerked her panties down to the middle of her thighs. She shrieked loudly, wiggling and trying to get off of his lap, but he had a tight grip.

  I couldn't move my eyes away as he laid swat after swat on her lovely little ass. Her skin went from a light pink to crimson within moments. Her yelps began to fill the room.

  "Please! Robert!” she cried, “I won't spend any more money! You can have my credit cards! Please! Stop!"

  He stopped and looked down at his captive bride.

  "Do you promise you can control your spending and I won't ever have to take this kind of action again?” he asked.

  She sniffled.

  "Yes, yes, I promise."

  He helped her to her feet and it was at that moment I saw her glance at me and smile. She had known all along that I had been watching.

  "Now, young lady,” her husband continued as he pulled a straight back chair to the center of the room, “you are to bend over this chair with your skirt pulled up and your panties pulled down and stay there for fifteen minutes. Do you understand?"

  "Yes sir,” she replied as she bent over the back of the chair and put her hands on the seat.

  He adjusted her clothing the way he wanted it, then looked out the doorway directly at me. I turned away quickly, fumbling with the sprayer, trying not to look as if I had been watching.

  "Mike,” he said, “come over here."

  I swallowed the lump in my throat and walked over to him.

  "It's Mark."

  He waved his hand.

  "Whatever. Here's two hundred dollars."

  "That's too much, sir. The carpet cleaning is only..."

  He cut me off in mid-sentence.

  "I want you to do me a favor."

  "Yes sir?"

  "I have to go in to the office, but I want my wife in time out for fifteen minutes. The extra money is a tip for you if you will make sure she stays where she is for that length of time. Will you do that?"

  I looked at the money in my hand and then over at his wife, who was shifting from foot to foot, making her lovely pink bottom sway deliciously.

  "Yes sir, I would be happy to."

  "Good,” he said, giving me a pat on the shoulder, “Good man."

  And with that, he was out the door, leaving me alone with his half-naked bride.

  "Mark, could you come in here, please?” she called.

  Part of me wanted to go, part of me didn't. Okay, the part that wanted to go was below my belt, and the part that didn't was ... well, there wasn't a part that didn't. I entered the room.

  "Yes ma'am?"

  "My husband said I can't get up for fifteen minutes,” she said, “and my skin is stinging awfully bad. Would you mind rubbing some lotion on my bottom to cool it down?"

  "Uh ... well, no ma'am, I don't mind."

  "Good. The lotion is there on the vanity."

  I retrieved the bottle, squirted some cream into my hand, and began applying it to her pink pelt. She wiggled and moaned.

  "Oh, that feels so much better. Please don't stop."

  I took a deep breath and continued my delightful chore. I was a little afraid that lotion in my hand wasn't the only thing I would be squirting before the night was over. The whole exhibition ended up being a scene I would play over and over in my mind for many months to come. Literally, to come.

  * * * *

  I once came to a house where two women lived together. I didn't think anything about it at first, thinking they might be college roommates or perhaps coworkers sharing a house, but quickly changed my mind on that idea when they both answered the door wearing nothing but panties and white lace bras.

  "Uh, hi,” I stammered, “I'm Mark from A-1 Carpet Cleaners. I've got a 4:00 appointment with Julie."

  "I'm Julie,” said the tall, slender blonde, “and this is my roommate Zoe."

  I shook her hand, although I could hardly take my eyes off their scantily clad bodies.

  "It's nice to meet you both."

  "Come on in,” she said, “I'll show you around."

  Zoe was the quieter of the two and followed as we went from room to room. Julie showed me what she wanted cleaned and then looked at her roomie.

  "Do you think he should do the upstairs?” she asked.

  Zoe, a much more petite redhead with large breasts and an ass to die for, nodded her head.

  "Oh yes, the upstairs room could use a good cleaning too."

  "Just show me the way, ladies,” I chirped, anxious to follow them so I could watch the sway of their bottoms as they climbed the steps.

  They led me up a flight of stairs and to a single door at the top. As Julie opened the door, I stood there in astonishment. There, in the middle of the room, was a large X. It was lifted from the floor about waist high by four metal legs and a support in the middle, and appeared to have a soft cushion of padding on the top. The entire thing looked to be about seven or eight feet long.

  "I ... uh ... I,” I began, stammering all over myself in the attempt to appear cool. It was no use. I wasn't being cool and it showed.

  "It's a Swinger's X,” Julie said, “haven't you ever seen one?"

  I shook my head cautiously.

  "Zoe brought it with her when she moved in,” she continued, “and we have so much fun with it.” She turned and winked at the redhead. “Would you like to see how it works?"

  "Um ... yeah, sure,” I said, “I'm always interested in learning new things."

  I definitely knew they weren't just good friends now.

  Julie took Zoe by the hand and led her over to the X.

  "You see,” she explained, “you can use it whether your partner is on their tummy or on their back.” She turned her friend towards the X with her back to us. “I like to put Zoe on her tummy, since she has such a nice ass."

  She unfastened the redhead's bra, letting her bare breasts gently fall, then knelt down and peeled her panties off, leaving her naked in front of me. Without a word, Zoe climbed up on the padded X, and stretched her body out on the middle so that her legs were parted and down the bottom half of the X, and her arms were extended on the top half of the X. The middle was just long enough for her to lie comfortably with her head at the top and her crotch at the bottom. I could see the finely trimmed red hair around her mound and pussy lips. I was getting a tremendous hard on.

  "This way,” Julie continued as if she were teaching a high school health class, “Her cunt is open and very accessible for me to kneel between her legs and eat her pussy."

  She stopped talking long enough to put her face between her roommate's thighs and lapped her juices to demonstrate. I shifted from foot to foot, trying to will my erection to go down. It was no use. It wasn't listening to reason.

  She stood up and continued fingering her friend's pussy as she went on with her explanation. Zoe moaned and wiggled her bottom to take more of Julie's digit.

  "With Zoe's large titties,” she said, “she can't keep them all up on the cushioned part, so they hang down and I can lean under her and suck on them, just like a calf sucking on his mother's tits."

  She proceeded to show me as she repositioned herself and took one of Zoe's large pink nipples in her mouth. The redhead wiggled to be able to shove more of her breast between Julie's lips and scooted up a bit too far. The blonde noticed.

  "You naughty girl,” Julie scolded, “how can I lick your pussy if you move up on the X?"

  Before Zoe could answer, Julie leaned over her, forced her legs apart even more than the X had them, and began spanking the redhead's pussy lips with her hand. The captive one groaned at the stinging that was spreading through her most private place, and then moaned as Julie began to caress it.

  "I love Zoe,” Julie said, “so I can never really hurt her."

  It was almost getting to be too much for me. It felt as someone had stuck a tree limb in my pants.

  "Do you ever get on the X?” I asked.

  "Oh yes, I have a favorite position on it,” she answered.

  Without hesitation, Zoe got off and Julie got on. The blonde climbed up and then stretched out on her back with her legs bent at the knees. Everything, and I mean everything, was in full view.

  "This is a perfect position to lick her pussy,” Zoe explained, “She's so open this way."

  I could see that. I could see everything.

  Zoe knelt down at the base of the X and began licking her friend's shaved cunt, then slipped a finger inside. The captive one moaned as I had never heard a woman moan before. The redhead lifted her head and grinned.

  "Would you like to try it?” she asked.

  That was a silly question. Everything in me wanted to try it ... to lick away at Julie's pussy and then ram my stiff rod inside of it ... but I couldn't. I shook my head.

  "I'm sorry,” I told her, “I'm married."

  "I can honor that,” she said, “but just in case you change your mind, you know our address."

  I nodded.

  "Do you think we can postpone your carpet cleaning until tomorrow?” I asked.


  "Good,” I told them as I backed out of the room, “I'll see you tomorrow."

  I jumped in my van and headed home. My wife met me at the door with a puzzled look on her face.

  "I thought you had a 4:00 appointment,” she said.

  "It got postponed until tomorrow,” I told her as I took her hand and led her to the bedroom, “I have something of more urgent matters to take care of now."

  She oohhed and ahhed when I undressed and she saw the hardness of my cock, and then knelt down to take it in her mouth.

  "I don't know what caused this,” she said as she lifted h
er head and smiled at me, “but whatever it was, I hope it happens again."

  I moaned as she devoured my penis and pushed a little more into her throat.

  "You can count on it,” I murmured, “be naked and in the bed at 5:00 tomorrow. You'll get a repeat performance."

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  "Yes, Lorraine?"

  "I can't believe you just did that!"

  "Just did what?"

  "You kicked the dog."

  "I didn't kick the dog."

  "Yes you did. I just saw you out the kitchen window. You took your foot and kicked the dog."

  "Lorraine, all I did was tap the dog on the rump with my foot to get him to go out in the grass."

  "Tapping with a foot is called kicking, Sam."

  "No, honey, tapping with a foot is still tapping. He wouldn't stop sniffing that dead bug on the driveway, so I just gave him a little nudge with my foot to move him along so he would go out in the grass and pee."

  "It looked to me as if you kicked him pretty hard."

  "You know I would never hurt the dog, Lorraine. Here, let me show you."

  "Show me what?"

  "Show you how I just tapped the dog with my foot."

  "How are you going to show me that, Sam?"

  "Get down on your hands and knees."

  "Excuse me?"

  "I just want to show you how I tapped the dog with my foot."

  "Do I look like I just fell off the turnip truck?"

  "No, of course not, but I want you to believe me."

  "I believe you, Sam. I've got to finish the dishes now."

  "No, I can tell by the sound in your voice that you don't believe me. C'mon, Lorraine, humor me."

  "Alright, Sam, what do you want me to do?"

  "Get on your hands and knees on the carpet."

  "Like this?"

  "Yeah, just like that."

  "Do I get to wag my tail like Fido does?"

  "Don't do that, Lorraine."

  "Why not?"

  "Cause when you wiggle your hiney back and forth like that, your skirt crawls up and I can see your panties."